NK-Teplohimmontazh is one of few companies that have a license to conduct examination and expertise for thermal generating units in Russia. The company has at its disposal qualified experts who received training in specialized establishments of Russia and underwent training courses in foreign companies on repeated occasions.
- Tyazhmekhpress, CJSC, 2003 - 2007, construction and reconstruction of heat generating units, supply of materials
- Mikhailovsky GOK, OJSC, 2005 – 2008, designing, refractory works, supply of materials
- Belenergomash, OJSC, 2006 – construction of a heat-treatment furnace, materials supply
- OSMiBT Brick Works, LLC, modification of tunnel kiln for roof tile firing into one for brick firing.
- Novoaleksandrovsky Brick Works, 2008, lining for tunnel kiln cars
- Shatura-Kirpich, 2008, construction
- Rechitskiy Porcelain Factory, OJSC, 2010, construction of kiln, designing, lining and insulating works
- Gazstroydetal, OJSC, 2011, lining for a bogie hearth
- HeidelbergCement, 2011, supervision works
- Shchekinoazot, JSC, 2011, drying of lining