Slip form is mobile equipment, it is raised up without interruption of casting process and used in the construction of high-rise concrete buildings with monolithic permanent vertical walls and, more recently, of variable section. It is a form of spacial formwork mounted on the perimeter of the walls and rises with the help of hydraulic jacks.
The main elements of this equipment are sliding formwork panels, jacking frame, suspended platform, jack rods are mounted on the wall axis jacks themselves.
The use of sliding formwork is especially effective in the construction of high-rise structures, such as chimneys up to 400 meters high, cooling towers, the core hardness of high-rise buildings.
The great advantage of the construction of such facilities in the sliding form is to significantly increase the pace of construction, reducing the complexity, cost and terms of work.
From a technological point of view, the method of sliding formwork improves the quality of the surfaces, exepting casting defects due to interruptions in the supply of concrete mix.